- Prof. Dr. Reinhard Beck
email: beck@hiskp.uni-bonn.de
room: 2.005
fon: +49 228 73-2203
HISKP, Nussallee 14-16, D-53115 Bonn
- Prof. Dr. Reinhard Beck
email: beck@hiskp.uni-bonn.de
room: 2.005
fon: +49 228 73-2203
HISKP, Nussallee 14-16, D-53115 Bonn
A comprehensive overview of the fundamental information provided on this page.
Pictures about the experimental work on CBELSA/TAPS aso.
Open positions within our working group.
Bachelor-, Master-, as well as Doctor theses available as pdf.
A list of conference presentations.
A list of actuall and former group members.
Come across to us! Stay for a coffee or a cup of tea and talk with us about physics.
Research topics within our group.
Lectures given by our Prof.
This is an experimental area. Keep off the grass!
Hyperlink to the zulip.hiskp page.
We are looking forward to people who are interested in physics. Be it the design of a particle detector and its readout electronics, the analysis or the interpretation of experimental data using state of the art techniques, you are able to find a project wich suits your interests.